In the News
As part of our work advocating for change in the fashion sector, the Union engages with journalists writing for trade, specialist and general-interest publications.
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An interview with UCRF in Lissome.
Article about a Finnish Institute panel on fashion and sustainability in The Guardian.
UCRF receiving the North Star Award at the Green Carpet Fashion Awards featured on The New School blog.
UCRF mentioned in this piece in Vogue Business, 28 January 2021.
An interview with UCRF in Of Fresh Wear, March 1, 2020.
An interview with UCRF in Lissome, Issue No. 1, December 2019.
UCRF receiving the North Star Award at the Green Carpet Fashion Awards featured on The New School blog, 21st October, 2019.
Article about a Finnish Institute panel on fashion and sustainability, held during London Fashion Week, featuring UCRF board member Amy Twigger Holroyd, published in The Guardian, 16th September, 2019.
Article about fashion and waste, featuring UCRF co-founder and board member Timo Rissanen, published in The New School Free Press, the student newspaper of The New School university, 12th September, 2019.
Article (originally in Danish) on UCRF’s Addendum to the Pulse of Fashion 2019 Update by Joachim Kattrup published in Økonomisk Ugebrev (Economic Week Letter), 28th June 2019. Download English translation.
‘Strength in Union’ in EcoTextile News, June/July issue 2019, p. 10.
Article (in Turkish) about the Union, Eleştirel Modanın Yeni Dayanağı: UCRF, by Sanem Odabaşı, 8/6/2019, published on Manifold.
Article that features the Union, ‘A view from the Copenhagen Fashion Summit’, by Tamsin Blanchard, 28/5/2019, published on Fashion Revolution blog.
Article about the Union & Copenhagen Fashion Summit published in the Danish paper Mandag Morgen (Monday Morning) 20/05/19.
Summary article of the Sustainable Fashion Research Agenda conference, including the Union, ‘10 Takeaways From The Sustainable Fashion Research Agenda Conference‘ by Charlotte Turner, 16/05/19, published on EcoAge blog.
Piece by Lucy Siegle on UCRF, ‘Cause For Concern – The Researchers Calling For Fashion Change‘, 16/05/19 published on EcoAge blog.
UCRF interview ‘Fashion’s Growth Outpacing Sustainability Efforts, Researchers Warn’ published on the New Fashion Initiative blog, 22/04/19.
UCRF interview on Fashion United, first published 11/03/19.
UCRF in EcoTextile News, published online 27/02/19 and in print in the April 2019 issue. Download pdf of the print article ‘Railing Against Disaster’.