Uniting for action.

The Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion (UCRF) was formed in 2018 by Kate Fletcher, Lynda Grose, Timo Rissanen and Mathilda Tham (in alphabetical order).

We are now a self-funded, fully independent global community of over 200 researchers and fashion practitioners working for systems change in the fashion sector, as embodied in our Manifesto.



Create an activist knowledge ecology

Create an ‘activist knowledge ecology’, that is, to develop a system of knowledge about fashion sustainability geared towards taking action and fostering authentic change.



Workshop led by the GenGreen team at Waltham Forest College.
Photo: Curtis Gibson


Want to work together for change?



Orsola de Castro


I Wanna be me I Wanna be EU, at Arcade-East. Photo: Tegan Louise


Celebrate our clothes and ultimately keep them for longer.
Photo: Wendy Ward

UCRF world map